26 луѓе чиј изглед и специфична убавина се премногу невообичаени за овој свет (ФОТО ГАЛЕРИЈА)

Стандардите за убавина се променуваат толку често што е невозможно да се следи трендот! Се чини дека идеалната убавина не зависи само од времето во кое живееме, туку и од различните култури ширум светот.

Овие луѓе во продолжение пленат со својот вшечатлив изглед и појава. Секој е убав и посебен на свој начин. Кај повеќето од нив аномалиите во изгледот ги прават совршени.


Who do you love? Are you for sure ??

A post shared by ♔Winnie Harlow♔ (@winnieharlow) on

Model: @asimasefic Photo by: @maja_topcagic #portraitsfromtheworld

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You wear that gold coin around your neck because it looks cute, I wear my Lira around my neck because it is a huge symbol of female independence in my Greek Cypriot culture. I have rewritten this caption far too many times because it sounded either too aggressive, or too passive. I just don’t want to see anyone online confronting others for trying a tradition of another culture and labeling them with appropriation. When I see comments labeling me as a “white girl appropriating Frida” I find it incredibly narrow minded and ignorant. In Ancient Greece a unibrow was a symbol of beauty. Women actually stuck hairs between their eyebrows to achieve the look. Fast forward to the times of Frida Kahlo, and it became more popular. Since then there have been numerous other people who have embraced their unibrow. Frida was not the first, and trust me she will not be the last. I wear my coin for different reasons than you do, but it does not mean you can’t wear your coin. Open your mind before you open your mouth.

A post shared by Sophia Hadjipanteli ☠️ (@sophiahadjipanteli) on

warm inside and outside

A post shared by @ tsunaina on

#JayAlvarrez @jayalvarrez by @brendannorth

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Happy to have partnered up with @COVERGIRL for this fresh look using their new #TruBlendMatteMade Foundation. This foundation has been great for my oily skin (especially now in the summer) since it controls oil and has a demi-matte finish. The coverage is medium to full and no matter what type of coverage you prefer, it’s flexibility makes it feel comfortable and breathable on the skin. My favorite thing about this foundation, is that it comes in 40 shades: light-deep with varying undertones which is great addition to my kit and for the everyday makeup wearer. My regular shade is T60, but, thanks to the sun giving me a little tan, I use T70. Since there’s a perfect shade for everyone, I am excited to see what my girl @the_beauty_cop perfect shade match is✌?#CovergirlMade #IamWhatIMakeup #CovergirlPartner

A post shared by Lauren Elyse (@laur_elyse) on

Con frecuencia cuando hablo de negritud muchos me dicen “entonces yo tengo una bisabuela afro y por no tener la piel no me puedo considerar afro”. Otros me han dicho siento mestizos con piel oscura por su herencia indígena,”Mis abuelos eran blancos casi albinos y nunca me hicieron sentir mal por mi color”. Voy a dejarlo aquí porque la lista es larga. 1. El mestizaje en Colombia es un proyecto estatal de hace siglos: la idea es eliminar la negritud a través del blanqueamiento cosa que es muy racista y se han implementado cosas terribles en busca de ese blanqueamiento y ese es el origen de la frase “Mejorar la Raza”. Por eso una persona sin visible rasgos de negritud no vive una experiencia de negritud porque la sociedad la percibe mestiza o blanca. 2. El conocimiento sobre lo étnico en nuestro país es tan pobre que gente resume la negritud en el color de la piel y es común que la gente negra tenga la piel oscura, pero los afro no son los únicos que tienen la piel oscura, mucha comunidades indígenas tienen la piel oscura, hay asiáticos con piel oscura, los hindúes tienen la piel oscura y esto no es porque tengan abuelos negros. 3. El albinismo no es una etnia, ser albino NO ES SER BLANCO. El albinismo es la ausencia congénita de pigmentación en un SER VIVO, por lo que su piel, pelo, plumaje, flores, etc., son más o menos blancos, a diferencia de los colores propios de su especie, variedad o raza. Eso quiere decir que cualquier ser humano puede tener albinismo y más importante aún, aún sin melanina su fenotipo permanecería intacto. Es decir un negro sin melanina cualquiera podría identificarlo como negro, por sus demás características. 4. Este es muy importante, el mundo no sé resume en tus experiencias personales, si tus abuelos blancos era unas bellezas de personas y nunca discriminan a nadie, no me extraña y es maravilloso, pero el resto de la humanidad no es como esas bellezas de abuelos que tú tienes y ese argumento solo busca hacer sentir a la gente que padece el racismos, que su experiencia no es real o que no importa. #albinism #afrofeminismo #cimarronas #feminismonegro #afrodescendente #colombia

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I am taking over @bustle app in 8 mins. Click the link in bio to follow along!! ✨

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I wish you enough…

A post shared by Ralph Souffrant (@souffrantnyc) on

Red and white with freckles? #unusualbeauty #welcome #redhair #dandelions #lovely

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