Со 43 години има тело како девојка: Таа ги доведува познатите во ТОП ФОРМА, а сега ја открива својата тајна! Слободно јадете чипс и чоколадо! (ФОТО+ВИДЕО)

Трејси Андерсон е експерт за фитнес која ги доведува во форма славните личности.

Вели дека здравата исхрана и фитнесот се рутина и клуч за добриот изглед.

Таа работи со Мадона, Ким Кардашијан и други познати дами во светот на шоу бизнисот.

“Си пакувам и си носам здрави оброци со себе, па така никогаш не сум јадела некое ѓубре пред мене дури и да сум гладна”, вели таа. Кога ќе ја припреми својата ќерка наутро, таа медитира, а својот ден го започнува со кафе и млеко. За доручек јади сендвич со јајце, кој го прави со сирење и англиски мафини.

“Не сум фан на овошјето и никогаш нема да јадам суши – паразитите ме излудуваат”, вели 43-годишната Трејси.

Меѓутоа, мексиканска храна јаде секој ден.


It’s only day 1 of #tamilyfriend and I already feel so much love being spread! The workout trackers you have received in your inboxes will help keep you on track this month, and throughout the fun journey ahead. Results and healthy transformations of the body and mind are what my @tracyandersononlinestudio delivers. Everyone's before and after is unique and I believe the most empowering gifts can't even be seen by the naked eye. So #tamily let’s proudly share some of our before and afters (I’ll start!). One of the reasons I have focused so deeply on the strategy of my method is because of the way that hard work has paid off for me personally. I am overjoyed by how brave and open you #tamily leaders are. Sharing your personal journeys helps people every day. As we jump start this month please post what your before and after means to you. And hashtag #tamilyfriend so I can look through all of these and share some of your messages, and for your #tamnewbie to see! I know they’ll be just as inspired by you all as I am every week ?

A post shared by Tracy Anderson (@tracyandersonmethod) on

“Порција со начоси со чипс без глутен, пржен грав, павлака, исецкано сирење, домати, лук и пилешко. Омилен оброк за вечера ми е салата, месо и компири, а сакам и лосос со шкампи”, додава таа.

Јајца, чоколадо и млеко мора да има во секое доба во фрижедерот, затоа што, како што тврди, тоа се главни намирници во исхраната.

Dear tamily, What do you think of when you read the acronym TAM? To the eye, it's three simple letters, but for many of us it's much greater than that. These three letters symbolize a community where everyone has a seat (and a mat) regardless of geographies or fitness level. And that's what I love most about my TA Online Studio: it's boundaries, it's support system and it's connections are welcoming and limitless. Now I'd like for you to consider adding on three more letters: IRL. The researcher in me can tell you that this means In Real Life. Together these acronyms form TAM IRL, which was the inspiration behind designing my Summer/Fall 2018 Vitality Tour. What we have in store for you, regardless of whether you're experienced with TAM or not, is bringing the community to life in the most optimal of ways. This means connecting with each other mat to mat, learning from one another during lecture times, and Ask Tracy sessions that conclude with a hug. This leg of the Vitality Tour is the TA Online Studio (Premium, too!) with a cherry on top. So it's with much excitement that I'm announcing the following cities where my team and I will be to connect with you all IRL. Similar to the TA Online Studio experience, please know that you can do this. It doesn't matter what fitness level you are at or what mixed messages you may have been sending your body. It's time to abandon any self doubt, pack our bags, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Until we get there, I want to leave you with something else to think about. Three more, three letter words that I ask anytime someone is questioning about when to start showing up for their health: WHY NOT NOW? With love, Tracy. Scroll through the photos for cities and dates ♥️

A post shared by Tracy Anderson (@tracyandersonmethod) on

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