Овие две жени гордо стојат една до друга. Едната е Џесика (43) мајка, а другата е Алиса (23) ќерка. Меѓутоа, кога луѓето за прв пат ја гледаат оваа фотографија, не можат веднаш да погодат која од нив е мајка.
Џесика за своите години изгледа феноменално и никој не и верува дека има дури 7 деца. Многумина дури и велат дека изгледа како да и е сестра на Алиса, а не мајка.
My #transformation has been a lot more than just physical the past 23 years. The girl on the left was so excited to be a mother, but had no idea what lied ahead. My kids were definitely the highs in my life for many years, but the lows got pretty low. There were many days & years I thought I was in a living hell I would never escape. Low self-esteem & fear kept me in my place. Nursing school forced me out of it. I had to extend myself to others daily when I was pretty much an introvert at the time. Getting out in the workforce taught me that I could care for myself & kids if I needed to. I learned to believe in myself & found the confidence to change things, and by so doing, found a lot more happiness & peace. ? Life isn’t all roses now for me, but the girl on the right has learned when we take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and make sure we are in healthy relationships, wonders can take place. I dreaded getting older throughout my life, but not anymore. I love that I know my worth & am surrounded by the most amazing people. Know YOUR worth! Love yourself! Take care of yourself! For it is only then that you’re able to help others ♥️ • • • • • • • #transformationtuesday #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitmums #fitmamas #fitmoms #transformations #weightlosstips #trainlikeagirl #loveyourselfmore #weighttraining #cardio #abworkout #armworkout #fitspo #utahfitfam #utah #utahfitness #howtoloseweight #antiaging #timeless #countingmacros #momswholift #momlife #eternallove #beachbody #bikinibody #bikiniprep #girlsgonesporty
A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on Nov 21, 2017 at 6:15pm PST
Koга во една прилика објавила роденденска фотографија со својата најстара ќерка, луѓето биле збунети, затоа што не им било јасно кој е кој на фотографијата.
Една личност дури и напишала: “Одбивам да поверува дека сте мајка и ќерка”. Друг коментар гласи: “Имаш 43 години? Изгледаш неверојатно”.
AFTER HAVING 7 KIDS: 1. Do I have stretchmarks? Yes, a few on my hips, none on my stomach. 2. Have I had a tummy tuck or any surgery to fix loose skin or my belly in any way? Nope! 3. How long does it take to for your belly to go back to “normal”? This depends on your genetics, diet and exercise regimen. It even differed for me with each pregnancy, but I never felt “back to normal” physically or emotionally until at least a year after giving birth. Obviously, stretch marks and loose skin depends on genetic factors or if you end up having twins, etc. 4. Did I give birth to all of my 7 kids? Yes, each singleton births. Four from my first marriage, 3 from my current marriage. 5. Am I overpopulating the earth? Only with the best of the best! ???????????♀️?????? #sorryboutit #notsorry ***Also, I have only made it to the gym once the past two weeks and about twice a week before that for 4 months and all I can say is my @warriorfuel_supps HERS preworkout has worked wonders to keep my appetite control and metabolism up! If you’d like to try some, use code: jessicafit for a discount! ?♥️ Happy weekend friends!!! • • • • • #stretchmarks #fitmom #fitness #fitnessmotivation #postpartumfitness #postpartumjourney #postpartum #momlifeisthebestlife #momlifestyle #momswholift #momsofig #utah #utahfitness #utahfitspo #fitmums #fitover40 #fitover30 #trainlikeagirl #momofmany #weightlossprogress #transformations #fitnesstransformation #transformationfriday #progresspic #fatlossjourney #fitmomsofig #fbf #flashbackfriday
A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on Oct 27, 2017 at 5:40pm PDT
Ова жена од Јута често на Инстаграм објавува свои фотографии и видеа од теретана, но и фотографии со семејството. Тука се ифотографиите од периодите кога била трудна.
FIVE RULES I’ve learned work best for my body to stay leaner without doing tons of cardio. 1. STOP eating when I’m SATISFIED not completely full. {I’ve done so much better at this than I used to!} ?? It takes awhile for our brains to realize we are full, so eating slowly and making a conscious effort to stop when I feel satisfied has helped. 2. Make sure I’m eating plenty of protein at each meal, and make sure my carb sources aren’t just empty calories, like soda or junk food. My go-to carbs are oatmeal, fruit and whole grain breads. 3. I keep snacking to a minimum. I may grab a bite or two of my kids white toast, fries or cereal, or have a few chocolate chips to satisfy my cravings, but if I am doing it because I’m hungry, that is where things can start to digress. I snack on jerky or protein chips if I truly need something to tie me over until my next meal. 4. I don’t overindulge on cheat meals. Maybe once a week I’ll have an appetizer and dessert, but I still always choose a healthier entree for my main course, like grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side or salmon. My metabolism just can’t handle a burger, fries, milkshake, and dessert once or twice a week, unless I up my cardio and workout more! So during times like this, where I’m only making it into the gym about twice a week, I use my cheats on treats ???. 5. Taking my @warriorfuel_supps HERS #preworkout {code: jessicafit} every morning has seriously been a game changer for me. I know it helps control my appetite and increases my metabolism, but I still have to make sure I stick to the previous four things I’ve discovered more recently in my journey to keep the fat off! ?
A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on Sep 13, 2017 at 12:27pm PDT
Џесика вели дека три пати неделно вежбаат заедно со нејзиниот сопруг, додека нивните деца се во училиште.
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