БЕЗ ПАРИ НО СО ГОЛЕМО СРЦЕ: Погледнете што доби бездомникот за возврат на доброто дело !


Иако бил гладен, овој 44 годиншен бездомник почувствувал потреба да постапи правилно. Паричникот кој го пронашол бил сопственост на познат дизајнер.

Во паричникот имало околу 500 долари, со кои би можел да си дозволи јадење и сместување за неколку дена. Но сепак овој човек се одлучил да му го врати на сопственикот.

30 годишниот дизајнер Нити Понгкриангос не забележал дека му го нема паричникот, но бил изненаден од постапката на бездомникот.

За доброто дело човекот е награден со апартман во кој ќе живее и со добра работа во фирмата на Нити.

See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.


See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.


See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.

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