Канадскиот премиер Џастин Трудо се избламира на самитот Г7, кога во еден момент му отпаднаа лажните веѓи.
The eyebrow is an area of thick, delicate hairs above the eye that follows the shape of the lower margin of the brow ridges of some mammals. In the case of Justin “Groucho” Trudeau they’re synthetic,ersatz, false, fake and prosthetic. #TrudeauFakeBrows pic.twitter.com/Uv6K3IJ0Fj
— Lionel?? (@LionelMedia) June 10, 2018
За да биде уште полошо, овој “инцидент” го забележаа камерите, па Трудо стана инстант хит на социјалните мрежи.
Thank you anon! @POTUS made soy boy Trudeau sweat so much at the G7, his fake eyebrow fell off. FFS Who wears false eyebrows? ? ??? #QAnon #GreatAwakening pic.twitter.com/cCVnDRyERg
— DeplorableMe (@SuzieQ116) June 10, 2018
Either Justin Trudeau wears fake eyebrows or there’s a runaway caterpillar on the loose. pic.twitter.com/3KG1drEjNn
— Cory Bridgmon (@cbridgmon) June 10, 2018